Ab Rocket Twister - Ab Rocket In Pakistan

2015-02-17 1

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Ab Rocket Twister - As Seen On Tv Store
Ab Rocket Twister Just Rock and Twist Available In Pakistan. Ab Rocket Twister for Just sit, rock, and twist. Lose two inches off your waist in just 12 days! Just release the twister pin and blast away those unwanted love handles, for the most complete ab workout ever! The secret is the Ab Rocket Twister's exercise efficiency technology.
Ab Rocket Twister Reviews

Launch Yourself into Amazing Abs with the Ab Rocket Twister!

Targets: Upper Abs, Lower Abs & Obliques

Strengthen your core by rocking back and forth for easier crunches, reverse crunches, oblique exercises and more. The innovative seat design gives you an option to twist and turn your lower body to maximize your work-out. Three levels of Resistance Springs offer you a perfect amount of resistance for any fitness level. Cushions support and massage while you exercise - no more neck and back pain. The Ab Rocket Twister system comes with a variety of ab exercise programs, along with the meal plan that will help you shed pounds and inches.

3 Levels of Resistance

As Seen on TV Ab Rocket Twister:
Targets upper and lower abs and obliques
3 levels of resistance
Cylinder launch technology
Innovative seat design gives you an option to twist and turn your lower body to maximize your workout
Cushions support and massage you while you exercise, eliminating neck and back pain

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