50th anniversary of Churchill's death

2015-01-28 5

Wartime British Prime Minister Winston Churchill died 50 years ago this month – and the anniversary has been marked by a flurry of events and exhibitions. He was an iconic figure, renowned for his cigars, quick wit and WWII leadership.

The original wartime bunker used by Churchill and his cabinet during the Blitz can be visited at the Churchill’s War Rooms museum in London, which is a branch of the Imperial War Museum.

Phil Reed, the director of the Churchill War Rooms said that he hoped the exhibition would provide a more detailed insight into Churchill’s personality: “The facts of Churchill’s life haven’t changed obviously. We perhaps know some more detail, but in fact as more detail comes out, you get closer to the man and his life. You gain a different appreciation of him.”

When the Second World War broke out in September 1939, Neville Chamberlain was the British Prime Minister. Winston Churchill only took over the job on 10th May 1940, and is credited with leading the coun