Dog-Collared Priests in the Synagogues of Satan, Churches, are Super Blind Guides creating sectarian killings, the Pits of Death, and you cannot blame a third person as you need to be a Royal Priest yourself and give your own account to God.

2015-01-26 28

Dog-Collared Priests in the Synagogues of Satan, Churches, are Super Blind Guides creating sectarian killings, the Pits of Death, and you cannot blame a third person as you need to be a Royal Priest yourself and give your own account to God.

Read John 9, the born blind person story and Jesus told those Rabbis that they are blind guides of the blind. One of them retorted that are you calling me blind? Then, Jesus said that now I know that you are not blind but doing things knowingly. This is more serious than sin called Blasphemy. Dog-Collared people are hirelings of Mammon and they are paid in Mammon from the Church Purse, which amounts to the same thing as stealing in the manner of Judas Iscariot. If your Priests cannot enter into the Royal Kingdom of God how could they lead the others or they are Blasphemers like those hypocrite Rabbis.

Real Christianity is through House Groups of Royal Priests where people ponder over His Word and no more prayer to our heavenly father Yahweh and fasting like the Disciples of Rabbis, Pharisees, etc. We carry the Temple of God with us and our Father lives in His Temple so far you worship Him in truth and spirit. Christ Peter killed two liars for telling lies and these liars become hypocrites making the Church full of lip service and sugar-coated sermons of the Anti-Christ hireling Dog-Collared Priest delivering or occupying the Church. These Messianic Jews killed Apostles and in 300 A.D. got the House Churches banned by the decree of the Roman Emperor Constantine.

In short, Light came among his own and his own loved Darkness to Light becoming super blind.

In Jesus, we are to be solitary.
Flesh + soul = Once-born natural Disciple of the Rabbis
Flesh + soul + spirit = Twice-born sensible Labouring son of God
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