Pine Grove Investigation Part 2

2015-01-25 3

With the EVPs, this confirms that there is definitely a haunting going on at this home. I conducted a Roman Catholic blessing of the home. I suggested that Brian get baptized, because Deanna and many others felt there was an attachment on Brian and it's draining his energy and making him sick.


I, Paul Dale Roberts was selected to be an extra for the movie: Steve Jobs Movie with Michael Fassbender and Seth Rogen on Saturday, January 31, 2015 from 9am to 5pm. I think this is a bad idea. The reason why according to Yelp: 1. You don't get paid; 2. Too many people show up competing for the few roles that they have; 3. The extras are way behind the scene and most of the time, their faces are blurred out; 4. The up-front extras are the actual PAID extras that are from Hollywood; 5. It's a waiting game ALL day long. I nixed it! Here is a write-up on the movie: A new movie about Steve Jobs, starring Michael Fassbender (as Jobs), Seth Rogen (as Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak), Kate Winslet and Katherine Waterston, is coming to Berkeley on Friday for some location shooting.

Filming will take place in and around La Méditerranée restaurant at 2936 College Ave., and will be concentrated during nighttime hours — Friday, Jan. 23, from 6 p.m. through Saturday, Jan. 24, at 6 a.m. — to mitigate the impact on the neighborhood, according to an email put out by District 8 Councilwoman Lori Droste.

The new movie, not to be confused with the 2013 movie Jobs, featuring Ashton Kutcher, is dripping with A-list credentials. As well as the starry actor line-up, the film is being directed by Danny Boyle (Trainspotting, Slumdog Millionaire), according to IMDB, with a screenplay by Aaron Sorkin (The West Wing, The Social Network, The Newsroom), based on the biography of Jobs written by bestselling author Walter Isaacson.

1/20/2015: Tonight was movie night for me and my wife Deanna Jaxine Stinson. We saw 'American Sniper'. Clint Eastwood did a great job with the action scenes. The fake baby scene was somewhat irritating, but I ignored that part and moved on with the movie. The movie is a great tribute to a hero. It brought back memories when I was with OPFOR (Opposing Forces) and I was taught sniper techniques with a SVD Russian Sniper Rifle. I was classified as 'expert' when firing my weapon and I remember one time we were competing with another squad and my Sergeant Major came and got me for the competition because I was a great marksman. When I was competing, I forgot my glasses. The Sergeant Major could not understand why I couldn't hit my target and started yelling at me. I yelled back and said: "I forgot my glasses!" Anyway, back to the movie. I asked my wife what she thought and she said that they should have been more detailed on the wife, since she had such a huge part in this man's life, all they did was show her yelling at Chris Kyle and crying. Deanna was disappointed with the ending too, she wanted Clint Eastwood to bring more clarity to Chris's death. Perhaps they can't since the case is still pending at trial. Anyway, I am glad I saw this movie and the movie compliments Chris Kyle's book. Bravo! See the trailer here: