《奇妙的朋友》第1期 Wonderful Friends Ep1: 萌星萌宠初接触 高冷女神玩颠覆 Cute animals first show Celebrity changed styles 【湖南卫视官方版1080p】20150124

2015-01-24 2

【湖南卫视《奇妙的朋友》- 20150124本期精彩】平静的动物园突然来了六位明星饲养员,动物们会怎么想?什么!有小伙伴被夺走了初吻?羊羊们居然成功亲到了春春?!有两只萌考拉居然因为饲养员们打了一架?哎呀呀,小动物们的丰富内心戏好萌!
Celebrities come to the zoo and play with the animal at the first time. How will they react with each other? Do the animal kiss the celebrity ? Do they fight each other? How do the animal think about the celebrity ?

Started from Jan.17 2015, Wonderful Friend is the first reality show in China that records the close interaction between people and animals. This is the very first self-produced show that tells how celebrities get along with animals. In order to have the best result on production, the most advance shooting technique will be used on this how. Moreover, Wonderful Friends will continue to use the same post editing team as Grade One.

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Wonderful Friends Playlist: http://goo.gl/8bNWsD

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