Riots over cartoons of Prophet Mohammed are 'childish'

2015-01-24 12

Naser Khader is a former Danish MP of Syrian origin. He has been a vocal advocate for free speech ever since the first controversy over cartoons of the Prophet Mohammed emerged in Denmark a decade ago. Following the Charlie Hebdo attacks, he was one of 23 Muslims who signed an advert in the New York Times asking "What can Muslims do to reclaim their "beautiful religion"?"

Naser Kadher "understands that some people feel hurt" by people "mocking the Prophet". But he calls the riots that followed the publication of a new cartoon of the Prophet Mohammed on the cover of French weekly Charlie Hebdo "so childish".
"As Muslims, we have learned that God is the greatest", he says. "He is so strong he can defend himself and his Prophet. So please let God take care of this", he urges his fellow Muslims.
Calling on moderate Muslims to speak out against extremism, he says "we need more passive Muslims to join us in this battle”.
Explaining that Islamism is a political ideology, just like fascism is, he concludes by saying "it’s OK to oppose the ideology of Islamism, but don’t blame all Muslims for the Islamists”.
Click here to see the advert published in the New York Times.

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