Conflict Minerals Resource Center New Feature for Smelter Information

2015-01-23 23

The Conflict Minerals Resource Center (CMRC) has recently added a new feature that alerts members of the CMRC when there has been a notable change made to smelters and reporting templates. This resource center provides information and training for vendors, suppliers and other companies in the supply chains of our respective members.

The CMRC supports more than 15,000 member companies, and this number is increasingly growing everyday. Last year, seven of the worlds largest industry associations collaborated with Source Intelligence and Schulte Roth and Zabel LLP to launch the first cross-industry training and resource center, addressing the Securities and Exchange Commissions (SEC) Conflict Minerals compliance regulation. Source Intelligence has developed the CMRC to support over 15,000 member companies who collectively generate over $3 trillion (USD) in GDP and hundreds of thousands of U.S. jobs.

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