《和爸爸在一起》第11期 Together with Dad EP11 石头成长记 Growth Record of Shi Tou【湖南卫视官方版】20140829

2015-01-22 42

【湖南卫视纪录片《和爸爸在一起》- 本期精彩】他是活泼好动的小萌娃!他是乖巧懂事的好儿子!他是勇敢坚强的男子汉!他是心地善良的大哥哥!他就是第一季中的萌娃领头羊“石头”哥哥!想知道“石头”名号从何而来吗?本周五晚24点湖南卫视《和爸爸在一起》,纪录片带你走进“石头”的精彩生活!
Hunan TV's documentary series "Together with Dad" EP Highlight: It has been a year for us to see Shi Tou from Dad Where Are We Going Season 1 appear on the show. This episode features to see how he becomes a good son and nice leader as well as companion with the kids. If you want to know how did he get his nickname: Shi Tou, which means stone, watch the current episode of “Together with Dad” now!


The exciting stories of the 5 celebrity dads continue off camera. The hectic dad in front of the camera transforms into the super dad off camera. With a big group of family, friend and relatives cheering them on, would their wishes come true? Dad, cute kid! Who shall triumph? Beginning June 20th, exclusive behind the scenes will be revealed to you!

Hunan TV's documentary series "Together with Dad" EP Full Playlist: http://goo.gl/xYvbVI

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