变形计X-change-尚雯婕汪东城帮旺堆圆梦-Dream Come True【湖南卫视官方版1080P】20140915

2015-01-22 2

【变形计第九季- 本期精彩】 当肆意放纵的少年,遭遇世界屋脊的壮阔包容,是冷漠,还是悄然感悟?当雪域高原的灵雀,降落霓虹闪烁的城市舞台,是跌倒,还是振翅高歌?
X-change Season 9 EP Highlight: The teenagers are experiencing different challenges in their life. Are they going to spread their wings to fly up high with their dreams or fail after all that they have gone through? Find out on the finale of the “Chase Your Dream” series.

【湖南卫视变形计-本期精彩】湖南卫视《变形计》第九季之《梦想•巅峰》8月25日晚22:00播出第一期。在雪域高原成长的次仁旺堆单纯可爱,乐于助人。不仅如此,旺堆还是一个多才多艺的孩子。他的梦想是当一名歌手,用音乐给大家带来心灵的慰藉。不羁浪子何权谋混迹街头,宁愿自己打工自食其力也不愿意在家与父母和谐相处?深藏家庭隐痛的暴戾少年邹丹阳 ,可以有火一样的热情,也可以有火一样的暴躁脾气?精彩内容尽在《变形计》。
Season 9 "Peak of Dream" produced by Hunan TV has another new X-change journey. Ciren Wangdui grown up on snow-covered plateau with a simple and pure heart. He is a talented child with a dream of becoming singer. He Quan is a street boy who stays away from his family. While another child Zhou Danyang has a bad temper but a passionate mind. What will happen on these three boys? Find out more on the latest episode on X-change.

变形计是一档生活类角色互换纪实栏目,号称"新生态纪录片"。 更新时间:每周一 请锁定每周一晚上10点收看变形计第九季。
X-Change is a new lifestyle documentary that presents how grassroots exchange their identity and experience other’s life in the show.

X-Change Season 9 Full EP Playlist: http://goo.gl/VkwtLP

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