变形计X-change《在那遥远的地方》第二期: 少年偷羊解馋令牧民家庭负债-Teenager Steals Lamb Causes Debt【湖南卫视官方版1080P】20140929

2015-01-22 1

【变形计第九季- 本期精彩】 因网络结识,将原本互不相识的蒋伍轩, 崔崔浩然, 缪沛洋牵在了一起。很难想象性格迥异的少年们在茫茫戈壁再聚首又会发生怎样的故事?是亲如兄弟?还是互生嫌弃?今晚10点《在那遥远的地方》第二期,信誓旦旦的“三剑客”说要团结,面对私下联盟危机,他们能否一笑泯恩仇?
X-change Season 9 EP Highlight: The 3 teenagers met each other through the internet. Since they have different personalities, how would they accommodate each other?

【湖南卫视变形计-《在那遥远的地方》】位于新疆天山南脉腹地,两山夹一谷。浩瀚无垠的戈壁滩,¬有着粗犷豪迈、雄浑壮阔的神韵。走进其中,犹如进入原始荒野,满目苍凉。偶尔一股旋风吹过,黄沙卷起,更有一种莫名的静寂氛围。9月22日晚10点《在那遥远的地方》蒋伍轩, 崔崔浩然和缪沛洋互换游牧娃会发生怎样的故事?
Season 9 "Peak of Dream" Season 9 “Somewhere Far Away” produced by Hunan TV has another new X-change journey featuring three teenagers to explore Xinjiang. With different nature sceneries surrounding the three teenagers: Zhang Wu Qian, Cui Cui Hao Ran and Miao Pei Yang, what would their stories be like? Find it out on X-change’s new series “In That Far Place” on 9/22 10p.m.

变形计是一档生活类角色互换纪实栏目,号称"新生态纪录片"。 更新时间:每周一 请锁定每周一晚上10点收看变形计第九季。
X-Change is a new lifestyle documentary that presents how grassroots exchange their identity and experience other’s life in the show.

X-Change Season 9 Full EP Playlist: http://goo.gl/VkwtLP

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