《我们约会吧》 Take Me Out: 摄影哥现场打假整容美娇娘-Cinematographer View Plastic Surgery【湖南卫视官方版1080P】20141125

2015-01-22 1

【湖南卫视 《我们约会吧》- 20141125 本期精彩】 他是学生,也是老师,更是驾着南瓜马车的钢琴王子; 他带着浪漫远渡重洋,抱着大醋坛,期待一场只属于他的爱情; 他是北京土著,国安球迷,贫嘴男人插科打诨,等一个远亮着灯的家; 他用精致打点时尚,用品质玩味生活,当爱情照进现实,他能否顺利牵走他的完美女神呢?今晚22点《我们约会吧》。
Hunan TV's Take Me Out 20141125 EP Highlight: He is a student, a teacher as well as a piano prince. He comes from far away and hope to find his own relationship. Guest from Beijing, waiting for a home with warmth and the last “he” is stylish. Will all of the guests be able to walk off the stage with their favorite date?

Take Me Out produced by Hunan TV is an interaction dating reality show since 2010. The show creates a platform based on the social demand on reliable relationship between male and female. The show model leverages interviews and interaction, and invite guests who are single and are craving dating opportunities. New season of Take Me out starts on 9/2/2014, and the new show will feature younger generation of female guests, as well as their mothers to support and give opinion.

Take Me Out Full EP Playlist: http://goo.gl/DGI6tS

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