Education and health care are core institutions in any society. Greece has always had problems in these vital areas, the debt crisis only made them worse. There have been harsh cuts in services and salaries. Many parents, students and teachers feel that education must figure highly politicians’ list of priorities, but that it doesn’t.
High school teachers Nikos and Maria Katsoulis, who have four children, said:
“All families with numerous children have great trouble making ends meet. All teachers, too, as most of us are part-time.”
“I believe that learning in Greece exists based on teachers’ good will, faith and commitment to change things and to provide for our children as best we can. Parents do the same.”
Things are even more difficult for teachers forced to take administrative leave.
Nikos Kiriakidis, a graphic arts teacher, who has been eager to get back to work for a year and a half, said:
“I’ve had nowhere to go. I’ve been staying home, dealing with family, cooking