《张杰为爱逆战演唱会》 Hunan TV presents Jason Zhang "Fight for Love" Live Tour 2014 【湖南卫视官方版1080P】 20150110

2015-01-22 6

【湖南卫视《张杰为爱逆战2014演唱会》精彩看点】 《这就是爱》银河系广阔无垠,漆黑到尽头,但你是最幸福的那颗行星,所有的北斗星围绕着你,驱逐前方的黑暗,照亮整片天空。这一年,他不是演员,却是最流行影视剧主题曲的演唱者;他依旧不善言辞,却带着演唱会走南闯北。与你相伴又一年,这就是爱!

Jason Zhang "Fight for Love" 2014 Live Tour.
From far away in the galaxy, he is the biggest star expelling the darkness ahead, brightening up the whole sky. This year, he isn't an actor, but take up the most important role in singing influential TV drama theme songs. He still don't talk much, but action speaks louder than words. Another year has passed staying with you through the ups and downs - this is Love!

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