Ukrainians remember 13 killed in Volnovakha

2015-01-18 30

Thousands marched to Independence square in Kyiv on Sunday. “I am Volnovakha” read some of the banners referring to the town where 13 people died when a bus was hit by shellfire last Monday.

President Petro Poresnhenko was among those at the rally in the square. The families who have lost relatives in the fighting in eastern Ukraine were also remembered.

“The Ukrainian army must hold the airport and reach the Russian border but not cross it,” said one of the demonstrators while another added: “People are calling from Luhansk and saying the evil doers are not the Ukrainians but the Russians and pro-Russians.”

Kyiv claims the shell which killed the 13 was fired by Russian separatists. They deny the allegation saying the attack was staged by Ukrainian forces.

Our correspondent Sergio Cantone in Ukraine said “Kyiv wants revenge. It wants to get Luhansk and Donetsk back and feeling safe within enhanced borders. But the politics of the situation demand the government must stick to t

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