Thousands Of Dollars Raised For Pizza Delivery Driver In Viral Video

2015-01-17 3

A video showing a pizza delivery driver’s encounter with customers has gone viral and because of the less-than-pleasant interaction, quite a bit of money has been raised for him.

A video showing a pizza delivery driver’s encounter with customers has gone viral and quite a bit of money has been raised for him.

A gofundme page was set up for the “belittled” pizza employee after he was forced to return a roughly 7 dollar tip.

It all started on Saturday, when the pizza delivery man, Jarrid Tansey arrived at F&R Auto Sales in Westport, Massachusetts with meals for employees. The bill for everything came to $42 and change and he was given 50 dollars as payment.

Tansey left with what he thought was a “good tip”. However, someone inside the dealership soon called the pizza shop and asked for the extra money to be returned.

Video from inside the auto shop’s office shows Tansey calmly voicing his displeasure about the situation, as he had to go out of his way to return it. The workers,