10 Animals That Naturally Smell Good

2015-01-16 4

Here are 10 animals that naturally smell good.

A lot of animals that live in the wild tend not to emit the most pleasant of odors. There are a number of them, however, that are exceptions.

Here are 10 that naturally smell good.

Number 10. Koalas. They eat a lot of eucalyptus, so for the most part being next to one is like inhaling the soothing aromas of a cough drop. Even their waste smells like a cold-battling lozenge.

Number 9. Binturongs. This bear/cat/monkey-looking creature is unique for a number of reasons. One is, of course, it’s fairly odd appearance. Another is that it has a pleasing aroma of freshly made popcorn.

Number 8. Beavers. Between their pelvis and tail is a sac chock full of a lovely vanilla-scented, territory-marking substance. It’s so beautiful that perfumers have been using it in their fragrances for years. Flavorings used in food making may also include a bit of it.

Number 7. Yellow Ants. They may be pesky, but at least they smell lemony fresh. As part