130227 N*WHITE 앤화이트 - "Me Against the Music" Dance Practice (Britney Spears / Madonna)

2015-02-18 1

130227 N*WHITE 앤화이트 - "Me Against the Music" Dance Practice (Britney Spears / Madonna)

[데뷔 전 / 연습생 연습 영상 || cr. WJ Ent.'s afreeca channel] 걸그룹 앤화이트 - 수빈,하경, 린아&수현 - 많이 사랑해주세요~!!^^♥♥♥♥ Please give N*WHITE lots of love and support! ♥♥♥♥ || SOURCE: http://live.afreeca.com:8079/app/index.cgi?szType=read_ucc_bbs&szBjId=richaos&nStationNo=1735660&nBbsNo=7968165&nTitleNo=3285580&nRowNum=15&szSkin=&nPageNo=4
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Member guide:
Green - SUBIN 수빈 (안수빈 An Subin) - Vocal, Rapper, 1989
Khaki/Gold- HAKYUNG 하경 (손현경 Son Hyunkyung) - Vocal, Actress, 1991
Black- SOOHYUN 수현 (임수현 Lim Soohyun) - Leader, Main Vocal, Songwriter, Maknae, 1995 (wrote lyrics for all songs on N*White's 동화 EP)

Former Member:
Red/Orange - LINA/Lin-A 린아 (최윤아 Choi Yuna) - Vocal, 1993
[Lin-A left the group around Oct./Nov. 2014]

[!] Note: This was part of their special "concert" broadcast, during which they performed all the songs/routines they practiced. I think the "concert" was meant to be a rehearsal for one their Lotte World performances?
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Their company (not sure if it's the same one as they're with now, just with a different name?) live-streamed practice sessions on afreeca during their trainee days.

- - LINKS - -
N*WHITE Fancafe: http://cafe.daum.net/fanwhite
N*WHITE Facebook: http://facebook.com/nwhite2013
N*WHITE Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/NWHITECHANNEL
Subin's Twitter: http://twitter.com/ansubinstar
WJ Entertainment Website: http://www.wjent.com/

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