French anti-terror laws toughened 14 times since 1986

2015-01-13 39

With each major act of terrorism, France has revamped the set of legal tools to fight it. When the Paris metro was targeted in the summer of 1995, its anti-terror legislation dated from nine years earlier. Ten people were killed when a bomb exploded in the Saint Michel station just around the corner from Notre Dame Cathedral, on 25th July.

The following year saw criminal association with a terrorist enterprise outlawed, and expanded the 1973 provisions by which a person can be stripped of French nationality.

Ten years later London’s transport network was attacked. By this time France had reinforced its justice enforcement measures again in the fallout of the 9/11, 2001 massive deadly attacks on the US. Yet with 52 people killed in the bombings in Britain’s capital on 7th July 2005, the French Interior Minister of the time, Nicolas Sarkozy re-wrote his country’s legislation.

The re-write was approved on 23rd January 2006. This bolstered video camera surveillance in public places

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