Iranian opposition leader, Maryam Rajavi: Those who propagate despotism and ruthlessness under the veneer of Islam are the worst enemies of Islam.

2015-01-11 46

Maryam Rajavi, Iranian opposition leader on Sunday said terrorist attacks in Paris fundamentally opposed to Islam that advocates tolerance and coexistence.
In her remarks, Rajavi enumerated a number of hideous acts of Islamic fundamentalists in recent times and said “Neither the abduction of school girls in Nigeria, nor the murder of children in Pakistan, nor the everyday hanging of prisoners, nor splashing acid on the eyes and faces of women in Iran, nor beheading western nationals, nor the sectarian killing of Sunnis in Iraq and nor the massacres in Paris have anything to do with Islam.”
Regarding attack on journalist and writes, the President of the National Council of Resistance of Iran called it “a barbarity that Khomeini first laid the basis for by his fatwa against British writer Salman Rushdie.”
Rajavi was the keynote speaker at a major conference on Sunday afternoon in Pontoise, northern Paris.
Scores of political figures including Sid Ahmed Ghozali, former Prime Minister of Algeria; Rama Yade, former Advisor to French Foreign Minister on Human Rights; legislators from France and several European counties, and French mayors addressed the conference.
Bishop Jacques Gaillot from France, and Dr. Taissir Al-Tamimi, former Chief Justice of Palestine were the two prominent religious figures at the event titled “In 2015, all for tolerance and democracy against religious extremism.”
Earlier on Sunday central Paris was the scene of a huge rally against the terror attack on the French Weekly, Chalie Hebdo.
More than a million and up to three million Paris residents took part in the rally. Dozens of heads of states and leaders from all over the world converged in Paris to take part in the demonstration.
In her remarks Rajavi underscored the solidarity of the Iranian people with the great demonstration of people of France. On behalf of the Iranian Resistance that 120,000 of its members have lost their lives in the fight against religious fascism, she expressed sol