French cartoonist Plantu talks to euronews about Charlie Hebdo

2015-01-10 1

Few French may know his face but the name Plantu is well known to fans of satire and cartoons.

As one of the founding members of Cartooning for Peacehe has campaigned for greater tolerance and understanding and sought to improve cultural ties around the world.

He told euronews he knows a mystery investor who is waiting in the wings to guarantee Charlie Hebdo’s future.

“In 15 days Charlie Hebdo obviously will still be published, it will be on sale in the kiosks, but we want to prepare for what comes in six months, one year, two years. And this person who’s ready to invest, he knows me well, is very familiar with the creative sphere, he just said, Tell me what they need, and I’ll give it to them,” said Plantu.

He also said cartoonists need to be careful but more cleverer than ever in order to get their message across.

“When we take our pens, we give everything, but we have to remember that, apart from our readers – our dear readers, we know them – there is sometimes a derange