Here are 10 modern animals that used to be giants.
Even though we’re used to animals falling into pretty dependable size ranges, not all of them were always like they are now.
Here are 10 that used to be giants.
Number 10. Platypuses. Their goofy looks often keep them from being taken seriously, but that may not have always been the case. Researchers found evidence that one species may have measured around 3-feet long. The prehistoric version has been dubbed ‘platypus-zilla’.
Number 9. Penguins. The modern day emperor penguin may be considered the biggest there is, but millions of years ago that wouldn’t have been the case. Back then there was a bird called the water king, which stood a towering 5 feet tall.
Number 8. Camels. Once upon a time giant camels roamed the Arctic. They looked very similar to those living in the desert today, except 3-and-a-half million years ago they were about 30 percent larger.
Number 7. Beavers. During the last ice age, the beaver was the king of