Movie Wars - Prepare for Battle!

2015-01-08 34

We all love movies; Sometimes that love turns to debate about our favorites. So, we're preparing for battle. But it’s up to YOU to decide who wins.

Today we chose the topic for our first tournament, after which eight members of the CineFix team claim which movie robot they’re going to champion in the tournament.

Here’s the breakdown for Round 1:

T-800 (Ti) vs Sentinels (Cruz)
Optimus Prime (Dave) vs TARS (Mark)
Data (Christina) vs. R2-D2 (Mackenzie) - Star Wars vs Star Trek, guys!
Bishop from Aliens (Clint) vs THE WILD CARD (Truly)

Tune in to over the next few weeks to see us go head-to-head!

Did your favorite movie robot go un-championed in our selections? Who do you think is going to emerge victorious from this tournament? Which matchup are you most looking forward to?

Let us know in the comments below!

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