Trading blows: thrashing out the pros and cons of EU-US trade talks

2015-01-08 16

If they manage to pull it off, the Transatlantic Trade in Partnership accord being discussed by EU and US negotiators would be the biggest trade deal in history. Its aim is to significantly boost business on both sides of the ocean by slashing trade barriers, cutting red tape and harmonising commerce practices.

Talks are gathering pace with the aim of concluding an agreement by the end of 2015. But it’s a big ask, and not least because of the tight time frame. The proposal remains shrouded in controversy with opponents claiming it would only serve the interests of corporate giants and that citizens, consumers and the environment would ultimately pay a heavy price.

In this edition of The Network Chris Burns explores the pros and cons in the company of a panel of guests for and against TTIP.

To find out what they have to say watch the video