Cities worldwide show their support for murdered French satirists

2015-01-08 64

Belgians and visitors from afar came together in Europe’s symbolic capital Brussels to express support for Charlie Hebdo’s ‘martyrs for freedom’, the title bestowed on them by the Imam of Drancy in his timely intervention soon after the killings.

In a country rich in political satire and cartooning, the atrocity brought a sometimes emotional response from some in the crowd of around 2,000 people

“Today is a landmark day, my heart is crying, because those people are really brave people and I admire them for what they have done because they knew the risk, they took the risk, and they are soldiers of freedom,” said one man.

In Trafalgar Square in Britain ‘I am Charlie’ signs were to the fore as many in the French expatriate community turned out to join tourists and Londoners.

“The message they tried to convey was never against religion, or against Islam… I mean, they targeted other religions as well. So I think they were trying to show that it’s important to be free and have a la

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