Hair Expert - What is dandruff? How to Reduce Dandruff?

2015-01-08 1

What is dandruff?
Dandruff is a common chronic scalp condition marked by itching and flaking of the skin on your scalp. Our skin cells are forever renewing themselves. When the skin cells on our scalp are renewed the old ones are pushed to the surface and out of the scalp. For a person with dandruff the renewal is faster, meaning more dead skin is shed, making the dandruff more noticeable.

The exact cause of dandruff is unknown but it may due to
• Not enough hair combing
• Weather (hot and humid or cold and dry)
• Infrequent washing or shampooing
• Poor hygiene
• Oily skin & scalp
• Emotional or mental stress

Ask yourself
1. Do you think twice before wearing any dark colour clothes?
2. Do you have complained of frequent itching on scalp?
3. Have you felt inferiority due to dandruff?

If you are suffering from dandruff, don't worry. We have unmatched safe herbal solution for you.

Trichup Anti-dandruff Oil:
Trichup Anti-Dandruff Oil is a shield to your healthy and youthful hair. It efficiently protects from dandruff and also helps remove pollutants that clog your hair roots. This oil contains very well proclaimed Anti-Dandruff herbs of Ayurveda that helps improve scalp health, controls skin exfoliation and allows natural growth of your hair.

Trichup Anti-dandruff Shampoo:
Rosemary oil, a powerful ingredient of Trichup Anti Dandruff Shampoo treats the dandruff and restores the normal health of hair. Regular use helps to control itching and prevent recurrence of dandruff.

We can assure you of safe, effective and long lasting solutions for dandruff.