Two Men Scaling World's Most Difficult Climb Using Only Their Hands And Feet

2015-01-06 125

Two men are attempting to complete one of the most difficult known climbs. Kevin Jorgeson and Tommy Caldwell are free climbing Yosemite’s Dawn Wall.

Two men are attempting to complete one of the most difficult known climbs. Kevin Jorgeson and Tommy Caldwell are free climbing Yosemite’s Dawn Wall.

They are using only their feet and hands to work their way up the granite wall that stands approximately 3 thousand feet tall. No ropes will be used in the pursuit unless the climbers fall.

The pair started the El Capitan's Dawn Wall climb two days after Christmas and have been utilizing social media to share their progress.

That first weekend of their climb, the two scaled the first series of pitches out of a total of 32. Jorgeson and Caldwell take breaks, eat and even sleep in tents that hang from the wall.

Jorgeson’s latest Facebook update notes “My battle with the ‪#‎DawnWall‬ boils down to this right hand razor blade. It's so small, tape prevents a proper grip for the crux sequence. So, I'm practicing patience and resting until I can try Pitch 15 without tape.”

Although the pair certainly won’t be the only people who have successfully scaled the Dawn Wall, they will be the first to ‘free climb’ it if their trip goes as planned.

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