Cornel West on Philosophy and the Funk of Disappointment

2015-01-04 44

Cornel West on Philosophy and the Funk of Disappointment
The New School - Alvin Johnson/J. M. Kaplan Hall
A distinguished panel addresses this question on the occasion of the publication of Professor James Miller’s new book, Examined Lives: From Socrates to Nietzsche.Panelists include Simon Critchley, professor of philosophy at The New School for Social Research and author of The Book of Dead Philosophers; Anthony Gottlieb, author of The Dream of Reason, a three-volume history of philosophy; James Miller, professor of political science and chair of the Committee on Liberal Studies at The New School for Social Research; Astra Taylor, independent filmmaker and director of Zizek! and Examined Life: Philosophy Is in the Streets; and Cornel West, author of Race Matters and Class of 1943 Professor at Princeton University. The panel will be moderated by Lewis H. Lapham, editor of Lapham’s Quarterly.This event is presented by Farrar, Straus & Giroux and the Dorothy and Lewis B. Cullman Center for Scholars and Writers of the New York Public Library and sponsored by the Committee on Liberal Studies.