Volunteers are welcome. We are looking forward to welcome active professional journalists, citizen journalists, freelance journalists, writers, poets, teachers, lawyers, businessmen, doctors, scholars, activists, politicians and political workers, analysts, students and all those interested individuals who are already attached/working for newspapers, magazines, television & radio channels to join our team.
We appreciate all those who support the web site of islamabad pakhtoon night in any capacity. We are in need of innovative ideas, useful suggestions, interesting information and all that is relevant to pakhtoon.. If you belongs to pakhtoonwa and wish to help further improve islamabad pakhtoon night, please write to us.
We also request all those interested individuals who belong to islamabad pakhtoon night and currently residing in other parts of Pakistan or even abroad to come onboard and help further promote ipn round the globe.
chief orgnizer islamabad pakhtoon night All interested volunteers are encouraged to send community news, events, photos, articles, poetry, classified advertisement and alike, to: