Peggy Levitt on Hybridized Religious Traditions

2015-01-01 19

Peggy Levitt on Hybridized Religious Traditions
Cody's Books - Cody's Books and First Congregational Church of Berkeley
In God Needs No Passport: Immigrants and the Changing American Religious Landscape, Peggy Levitt argues that current debates about religion and immigration fail to grasp the strong connection between changes in immigration and changes in religious life. Today's immigrants are remaking the religious landscape by introducing new faith traditions and Asianizing and Latinoizing old ones.They don't trade in their home-country membership card but challenge the taken-for-granted dichotomy between either/or, United States or homeland, and assimilation vs. multiculturalism by showing it is possible to be several things simultaneously and, in fact, required in a global world - Cody's Books