Apparently, New Year resolution of Mahindra & Mahindra has got some interesting models on the list for 2015. It can be consolidated that automaker managed to get few new launches in the year 2014, except for new-gen Scorpio. So, ultimately there lays a fair chance to compensate them in the next year. Explore those new SUVs in detail…
Micro SUV S101
Probably, S101 is the most aspirated model of Mahindra. With its attitude, it will hunt down the hatchback segment for Mahindra, which the automaker wasn’t able to do well wearing the SUV maker badge of India.
XUV 500 Facelift
After this long tenure, now, it’s time for the XUV500 to wear a new skin as the rivals are gearing for a strong battle, so how this Cheetah of Mahindra stable could stay back.
New Thar
Nowadays, the enthusiasts had started preferring going off-road in a bit plusher cabin, and that seems to be the reason new Thar will be based on Xylo’s platform with better interiors.
New Quanto
In order to smooth the sale flow of Quanto, another chance in the form of new Quanto may change the fortunes for Mahindra in this segment and would bring the attracting magnet.
Compact SUV S102
Since Ford broke the ice with EcoSport over the compact SUV, rivals prefer to walk an extra mile for marking a spot in that segment. And Mahindra may not spare that belt at any cost which S102 will be the tough answer.
New Bolero
In fact, a new avatar was much needed for Bolero, as the present one is slowly growing outdated. But that Mercedes-Benz G-Class platform is recommended to be retained, that’s what was making it to go miles uninterrupted with confidence and agility.
Mahindra Genio
The pickup truck business of M&M also needs to be strapped tightly once again. Hence, a facelift to Genio will seal that for years to come.
Other Utility Vehicles
In line to the SUVs, Mahindra too is focused on UVs where three models of Bolero and Genio in the sub 1.2-tonne segment are planned to make way towards the launch pad during 2015.
New Engine Family
It wasn’t all about the new SUVs making way out of the Mahindra factory. Instead, this India based automaker had lined up several new engines and numerous options to engulf in the bays of new ones.
Well, the road map of Mahindra is found interesting and tightly engaged to track the route for maximum market shares, where the sub-4 metre is its ultimate target to hit the nail at.
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