Official Quakewiki Video - Quake - Dark Hour - Maze

2014-12-25 1

I am sorry, I just cannot see how a linear level with one side room near the start constitutes a maze. This level's main feature is shootable walls that make the player guess which wall to choose in order to progress, which I guess is a sort of puzzle. Of course, the puzzle is extremely easy due to alignment issues on the walls making it noticeably visible which wall is required to shoot in order to progress. The ammo and weak enemies makes this level not challenging in the slightest. There isn't even organization with the textures, each room is basically thrown together with a random hodgepodge of textures. This level is nearly Q2 terrible, with its redeeming feature being shootable walls (something Q2 never had) making it have slightly more complexity. Still, this is not a level I would recommend to others, mainly due to being looked at funny after the person played this level.