United States Secretary of Defense, Mr. Chuck Hagel clearly and honestly stated the fact that "for years" India has financed terrorism in Pakistan.
In previous years, India's terror financing was focused on destabilizing Baluchistan. More recently, India has been working with the corrupt Karzai regime and Afghan intelligence to finance and harbour TTP terrorists (so-called Pakistani Taliban).
TTP's attacks have been focused on Pakistan Military and Defense installations. But recently India-backed TTP killed 132 school children and burnt female teachers alive in front of the school children. On a related note, Hinduism is the only religion that calls for women/widows to be burnt alive - an evil ritual known as Sati, still practiced in India.
Read more on the Hindu evil ritual Sati: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sati_%28practice%29
Also read: Indian woman and baby burned alive for dowry (CNN Report) http://www.cnn.com/2014/02/02/world/asia/indian-burned-alive-dowry/