Adnan Oktar: The Pope accepts Darwinism and materialism but he should accept the Bible instead

2014-12-24 13

-  Mr. Oktar, the Pope, just like you always talk about, talked about ‘being united in love and compassion.’ He used the word 'love' just as you always do.

ADNAN OKTAR: Bartholomew or the Pope said this?

- The Pope. This is the words of the Pope.

ADNAN OKTAR: Okay, but the Pope is also a Darwinist and a materialist. He is a Darwinist and a materialist, so how will that happen? He doesn’t accept the Bible. While talking about the Creation and the existence of Adam and Eve, and our coming from their line as depicted in the Bible, he says, ‘That is a story, a tale’. He says, ‘Do not believe in such things, the things that Darwin said are true.’ So this is the religion of Francis. This is a different religion. Then the Pope is not a Christian. That is because if he doesn’t accept what the Gospel says, if he doesn’t accept what the Torah says, if he doesn’t accept what the Quran says; then this is the religion of Francis, and it is a different religion. He might be a humanist. He may talk about ‘love, brotherhood, peace’, but nobody would listen. Christianity is collapsing fast in Europe. That is the reason why they want to unite. That is because there is nothing left from the Christians, or the Catholics, or the Orthodox. I mean there is no one left to be separated. They used to be powerful during those days they were separated. But now they've lost their power; even if all of them come together, they would constitute just a handful of Christians. There are no Christians left. They are constantly turning churches into clubs, pubs or garages; they are continually turning them into something else.

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