Pope Francis calls gossip sickness of "cowards"

2014-12-22 7

Pope Francis is convening with the Curia, or the Vatican's administration, to tell them that hunger for power is infecting the church.

He wastes no time on holiday pleasantries.


"(Gossip) is a serious disease that starts maybe just as a chat and then grabs the whole person turning her into a sewer of discord seeds, just like Satan, and in many cases into a cold-blooded killer of the reputation of one's colleagues and brothers. It is the sickness of the cowards, who - not having enough courage to speak directly - speak behind people's backs."

He speaks of the power to change.


"A heart full of God is a happy heart, that spreads a with joy all around himself. You see him immediately. Let's not lose, then, that joyful spirit, full of sense of humor, self-ironic even, which makes of us lovely people also when the situation is difficult."

Pope Francis is working on

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