Mike Womer - Surviving the Holidays

2014-12-21 8

Mike explains how to make it through the Holiday season without gaining too much weight and still being able to have fun. Mike offers the simple advice to everyone to relax and keep their head. He explains that the Holidays only come once a year and that as long as you are good for the other 11 and a half months of the year, it won’t have a huge impact. However, to keep your head in check, Mike shares his methods that give him peace of mind. While out at parties, Mike likes to start out with a glass of water and a visit to the veggie tray to give his stomach a base to work off of. This fills him up a little bit so he doesn’t over eat on the unhealthy options. In addition to this, adding an extra session during the week will make you feel more confident about going out to these company happy hours. Changing up your regular routine to add more cardio or focus on weighted exercises will keep your body guessing and burn more calories. Also, adding a morning session will start up your metabolism early and keep it burning throughout the day so you are able to enjoy the time out with your co-workers.