Woman Says Police’s Failure To Arrest Her Son Resulted In His Death

2014-12-19 29

A woman in Long Island is suing the police department for opting not arrest her son on DWI charges, as later that same evening he died in drunk driving accident.

A woman from Long Island is suing the police department for opting not arrest her son on DWI charges, as later that same evening he died in drunk driving accident.

The amount being sought is 30 million dollars.

In the federal filing it’s said that after Peter Fedden, 29, drove his car through a front yard and collided with a garage, police dropped him off at home rather than taking him into custody.

Fedden, however, only stayed there for a short time before jumping behind the wheel of another car parked in his driveway and heading out again.

That second outing ended when he crashed into a building, an accident that claimed his life.

The lawsuit is being pursued under the premise that Fedden was far too intoxicated to act in a rational and responsible way, and that police should have recognized this and responded appropriately.

His mother further alleges that it was their personal connection to Peter that informed their course of action.

Fedden owned a deli in the area and only charged officers a dollar per meal, no matter what was ordered.