My Little Disney: Whoop-de-Dooper Bounce

2014-12-18 12

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Hmm... I'm blowing through my Pinkie clips at an alarming rate...

Ah, Roo. For some reason I always liked Roo best, even though I've always been alone in that regard. I'm glad he gets a lot more screen time in the newer Pooh stories as opposed to the older ones. And as far as choosing which of the Crusaders to play him (There was never a chance it wasn't going to be one of them) Applebloom was an easy pick. See, Applebloom is the instigator of the group. Sweetie and Scoots usually spend their episodes dealing with their issues themselves, or involve the others in a little before continuing on their own. While AB does this as well, I find she tries to keep the whole group on track more often rather than split off separately. I thought that fit nicely with how Roo likes everyone to play together and-

"Wait a minute, Daga! Scootaloo recently played Oliver and you had Sweetie Belle play Melody! Didn't you just put Applebloom here to complete the trio?"

Wha-what? How can you think such a... such a ridiculous thing? Didn't you hear my very logical, thought-out explanation up above? Aha, ha ha, ha... ha...

In Soviet Russia, My Little Pony and Disney do not own you!