Must read the whole article, No comments without reading this article ...
It is one of the worst incidents of the entire drones campaign, yet one of the least reported. A CIA strike on a madrassa or religious school, killed up to 69 innocent children, among 85 civilians.
The coward and unislamic attack on school in Peshawer is wrong by all means with no strings attached. Whoever did it did an act that no Muslim can do.
Note: (Dear fans! I'm not justifying the barbaric and inhuman acts in the name of Taliban but showing the mirror that why we discriminate .... if own kids get hurt we feel pain but what about others .... don't always take my posts/videos in negative way)
This barbaric day (attack on school in Peshawer) would not have come if the nation had mourned killing of more than 85 innocent little children in Bajor madrassa exactly a decade ago (u can see in this video attached in this post), and so many other inhuman acts by America and their front-line Muslim army supporters ... That was a Drone Strike, so we didn't call it terrorist attack ... Neither we tried to console grieved parents ... and the vicious cycle continues .. Till date ... Kids of tribesmen are blown to many pieces since many years now. But they are not bombed by terrorists but by holy drones. So no mourning and weeping for them.
Now Please anyone tell me the date when Pakistan mourned for innocent kids that died in Baujour and Waziristan by Drone Strikes and Army Operations in the name of Taliban? Wake up & Open your blind eyes
This is a reminder for people of Pakistan, that its time they stand up to all the wrongs they as a nation are silent for past 14 years. Support for America against Muslims of Afghanistan and Wazristan, Help for America in fighting their war, handing over Dr Afia along with her family and many such families. There are many such evil incidents that has led to the anarchy in Pakistan.
Drones that has killed babies, children and women must be stopped, as their families feel exactly what many are feeling from yesterday's attack. The only difference is that whole nation and world is mounrning and symphatizing with the innocents that died yesterday but when Tribals are bombed and their childrens die, many support it and stay shamlessly silent.
Pakistanis as a Nation must stop the hypocrisy and stand for whats Just. Horrible attack on school should convince Pakistan to stop its two-faced policy on Taliban. (Good Taliban and Bad Taliban)
While i strongly condemn the attack on school today. However i strongly believe this happened because Pakistan became front line ally to crusade against Muslims.
As long as Pakistan keeps fighting American crusade. Pakistan will continue to face such sad incidents be it in the shape of such attacks by gunmen or by drones or by pak air force jets. Innocents will continue to die.
Also when babies, kids and women of all Muslim countries die its not the concern for other nationalist Muslims / National state. Curse of