Tsukitei (Yamasaki) Hōsei Meets Fan Toda Erika (2009) - Amateur Sub

2014-12-16 61

http://yamasakigifs.tumblr.com/ (for more Hōsei-san videos, GIFs, pics & more)
Amateur Sub (may contain inaccuracies but hope you enjoy anyway!)

From the show おしゃれイズム (Oshareism) 2009.03.15, Tsukitei (Yamasaki) Hōsei surprises a fan of his, actress Toda Erika.

Translation Notes:
6 minutes from a talk show... way too much dialogue.. The Chinese hardsubs helped a lot here (though I don't know Chinese or Japanese...). I'm sure there's a lot of mistakes but one line in particular that I was unsure of is the "Since it's a dream". By ear, I only caught "yume desukara" in Japanese (roughly, "because/since/so it's a dream"). As in any language, if someone assumes people will know what they're talking about, they can be vague. Meanwhile the Chinese hardsub seems to paraphrase it as "Because (Yamazaki-san) is my dream". Maybe it could even be paraphrased in English as, "Because he's dreamy" etc. But since it IS so vague... I decided to just leave it up to people to interpret...