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Watch SuperHit Devotional Song Alakh Milan Ke Kaaj Fakiri
Album : Prabhatiya
Singer : Niranjan Pandya,Karshan Saghthiya
Music : Manoj Jobanputra
Music Label : Studio Saraswati.
This Song is a Gujarati Devotional Song sung in praise of Lord Krishna. Devotees sing this Song during the Hindu festival Janmashthami, celebrating the birth of the dark complexioned deity, Lord Krishna. Lord Krishna, popularly known as 'Kunj Bihari' or 'Kanhaiya' is the eight incarnation of Lord Vishnu and is worshipped across many traditions of Hinduism in varied perspectives. In Mahabharata, during the war between Kauravas and Pandavas, Lord Krishna had given a long discourse to His disciple Arjuna, which is collectively termed as the Bhagwad Geeta. Lord Krishna is considered to be the most powerful incarnation of Lord Vishnu.
''makhan chor'' ''Khatu Shyan Bhajans'' 'Khaatu shyam'' ''radhe radhe krishan'' krishana'' ''shree radhe krishna'' ''shri radhe krishna '' ''jai radha raman hari'' ''Baanke Bihari'' ''Main Girdhar Mera'' ''Sanwra Jadugar'' ''Sanwra Mera Sanwra'' ''Ek Shaam Banke Bihari Ke Naam'' ''Sanwara Mere Sanwara'' ''Gopal'' ''Kanhaiyya'' ''Sri Krishan'' ''Krishna'' ''janmastami songs'' ''Shri Krishan Janamashtami'' ''Nand laal'' ''nandlal'' ''hari'' ''shri hari'' ''vishnu'' ''Krishna Janm songs'' ''Krishan Janam'' ''Sanwara'' ''Sanwara'' ''kanhaiya'' ''Kanhaiyya'' ''Gopal'' ''hare krishna hare rama'' ''shri krishna govind hare murari'' ''hey nath narayan vasudeva'' ''govind bolo hari gopal bolo'' ''gobind bolo hari'' ''radha raman hari'' ''krishna gopal hare'' ''krishna gobind hare'' ''govind'' ''live programme'' ''live program''