Jim McDonald Tells Funny Barber Jokes: Each Barber Joke Gets Better and Better! - Stand Up Comedy

2014-12-15 24

Jim McDonald tells us hilarious jokes about barber college. Get your daily dose of great Stand Up Comedy @ StandUpBits - PLEASE SUBSCRIBE TO OUR CHANNEL!

The one thing that I think is pretty awesome is that there is actually a barber college. Like, people can really get a degree in cutting hair, and I had no idea. Thanks to Jim McDonald who tells barber joke after barber joke in this bit, I am able to know what it's like to go through the process of being a barber. As he tells his barber jokes, I am starting to think that maybe being a barber is not the route I want to take. Don't get me wrong, his barber jokes are hilarious, just a little bit sad. I wonder if he considers a hair stylist a joke barber, if not, I wonder who he considers a joke barber...regardless he will tell jokes barber people will laugh at, not just jokes for the barbershop. If you are telling jokes barber would laugh at, make sure that when you are telling the joke, the barber isn't cutting your hair, otherwise you may have to completely change your hairstyle. The jokes about barber Jim McDonald tells are really good, as he tells each of the jokes about barber with frequency. I lobe this bit, and I love it because of the funny barber jokes, if there were not any funny barber jokes in this bit, I would let you know...but I have your best interest in mind, and I am telling you that he tells funny barber jokes. I am honest, and not biased at all. For more hilarity, and to increase your daily funny, please subscribe to StandUpBits!