Pretty Girl: Shang Tells Jokes About Really Pretty Girls! Stand Up Comedy

2014-12-15 14

Shang jokes about ugly girls. Get your daily dose of great Stand Up Comedy @ StandUpBits - PLEASE SUBSCRIBE TO OUR CHANNEL!

Pretty women are everywhere, and I believe that there is a bit of really pretty girl in every girl out there. It all depends on how the pretty girl uses the pretty girl swag that allows me to think that the girl is just a pretty girl, or a really pretty girl. Now your probably thinking, "what is pretty girl swag," well it is basically that fine line between confidence and cocky. Really pretty girls possess this swag. I don't know what Shang is thinking in this bit, I mean, I guess I see where he is coming from when he says he loves ugly girls, but c'mon, pretty girls rock. I guess it is kind of shallow to judge girls on looks only, but when I say very pretty girls, it means personality mixed with looks. There are pretty girls (looks) but really pretty girls relate back to looks and personality. There are so many types of pretty girls out there, pretty white girls, black pretty girls, Asian pretty girls etc...but living in the United States it is common to see pretty white girls and black pretty girls everywhere. Now I am starting to understand why Shang likes ugly girls, since there are too many very pretty girls in the world, it kind of gets boring after a while...that totally makes sense. Anyways, if you agree with me and think that pretty girls rock, well, that's good for you. For more hilarious stand up comedy, please subscribe to StandUpBits! And increase your daily funny.

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