Airplane Jokes: Jackie Flynn Jokes About Flying and Airplanes! - Stand Up Bits

2014-12-15 22

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I love to fly, just not in airplanes. That was an airplane joke, speaking of airplane jokes, Jackie Flynn tells a great airplane joke in this bit. His airplane jokes are funny, because I have experienced the phenomenon he is describing in the bit. It is very easy to tell which airplane is a joke airplane and which airplane is not a joke just have to look at the stewardesses...also check the ticket price. I always thought pilots were cool, until there was a cruel jokes airplane company played on me. I remember when I was really young, way before 9-11 happened, I was maybe 5 or 6 when they allowed me to go to the cockpit to meet the pilot, then they told me that we were 30,000 feet up in the air, and we started to shake. At that point I thought I was going to die, but all that happened was we just went through some clouds. Its some cruel jokes airplane companies used to play on kids who wanted to be pilots. Remember that movie Cars? They need to make one called Planes. There aren't any rules in the air, therefore I think Planes would be so much awesomer. They would have jokes airplanes can tell each other. I wonder what kind of jokes airplanes would say. Hmm, maybe something like "woah, I'm high." Maybe they'd tell jokes about airplanes, similar to how Jackie Flynn tells jokes about airplanes. Whatever the case is, I hope they are funny airplane jokes, otherwise I would not see it. Maybe Jackie Flynn could be a writer for it, because he tells some funny airplane jokes. For more great comedy, and to increase your daily funny, please subscribe to StandUpBits!