School Jokes: Randall Gomez Jokes About School! - Stand Up Comedy

2014-12-15 14

Randall Gomez tells us his experience at school. Get your daily dose of great Stand Up Comedy @ StandUpBits - PLEASE SUBSCRIBE TO OUR CHANNEL!

I loved school, the best part of school for me was lunch time. The school jokes that were told on the playground, talking about how big a joke school was, and other joke school in the area. I'm sure you guys remember those joke schools, also known as the rival school. Now that I'm older, I realize how much school is important, and now the jokes on us. I love Randall Gomez' school jokes, because it helps me reminisce all of the great things about childhood. Randall's school joke is great, their jokes school principals can understand, as well as jokes school jocks, nerds, teachers especially Latinos understand. When I was a kid, any age, I always had jokes about school, now I wish I took school more seriously, because I realize all my school joke are terrible...I mean look how bad my grammar is...For more jokes about school, great comedy, and to increase your daily laughter, please subscribe to StandUpBits!