Retarded Jokes: Ace Guillen Tells Retarded Comedy! - Stand Up Comedy

2014-12-15 47

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I may have to agree with Ace Guillen about how we use certain terms. If we use a word enough, the meaning seems to change, like the word retard. It's a very touchy word, and offends people very easily, however retarded is a term for slow. It's Latin from the root tardus, for tardy, as well as retarded. So just to clarify, anytime retarded is used in this description, it's completely used in the form of slow, and not of special people. Timing is everything when it comes to stand up comedy, which is why telling a retarded joke could actually work. Ace Guillen actually tells a good retarded joke in this bit, and it could actually be classified in the category of retarded comedy. A lot of people like the fast paced comedy, but retarded comedy changes things up a bit, which helps allow a story to develop when the comic is speaking. Retarded jokes are actually very difficult to pull off, because so many people are in a rush for the punchline. But Ace is able to tell some good retarded jokes, and its very hard to pull off funny retarded jokes, but Ace does a good job. I applaud Ace for attempting funny retarded jokes, and he definitely succeeded. One thing that annoys me are retarded (slow) drivers, they always make me late because of how retarded they are going. I love jokes about retarded drivers, and I also love jokes about retarded traffic in LA. There are so many jokes on retarded drivers and traffic in LA that I can spend a very special evening just watching YouTube videos on it. For more hilarious bits, and to increase your daily funny, please subscribe to StandUpBits!