Drug Dogs: Bill Devlin Jokes About Drug Detection Dogs! - Stand Up Comedy

2014-12-15 1

Bill Devlin jokes about drug detection dogs. Get your daily dose of great Stand Up Comedy @ StandUpBits - PLEASE SUBSCRIBE TO OUR CHANNEL!

I am a dog guy, so that means I love all kinds of dogs. Terriers, Poodles, Bull dogs, Pitbulls (not the rapper) and yes, unfortunately drug dogs. Drug dogs tend to be canines, but they do a lot for the illegal drug community out there. I remember I had an ex drug dog once, it got really annoying because all the drug dog wanted to do was sniff. Sniffing dogs are annoying, sniffing dogs always feel obligated to sniff things that aren't meant to be sniffed...like water. I guess that's what makes them drug detection dogs, their sniffing senses are by far better than humans which makes drug detection dogs so beneficial. Drug sniffer dogs may be a cops best friend, but drug sniffer dogs are definitely a drug dealers worst enemy. For more hilarious jokes, and to increase your daily funny, please subscribe to StandUpBits!