Funny Gambling Jokes: Monte Whaley Tells Jokes About Gambling! - Stand Up Comedy

2014-12-15 38

Monte Whaley tells jokes regarding gambling. Get your daily dose of great Stand Up Comedy @ StandUpBits - PLEASE SUBSCRIBE TO OUR CHANNEL!

I tend to feel scared when hearing a gambling joke, gambling jokes tend to be very dicey. They are either funny, or not, and Monte Whaley's gambling jokes are great. I am a fan of each gambling joke he tells. The best part about his jokes are that he is able to tell jokes gambling people will get, as well as jokes people who don't gamble would get. I am not a big gambler, and I still got them. Jokes gambling people may think funny tend to vary from non gamblers, which allows this bit to find a common thread between gamblers and non gamblers. Even though I am not a gambler, jokes about gambling can be very funny if they are told properly, and Monte Whaley's jokes about gambling are old well. He can tell average gambling jokes into funny gambling jokes. It's always a gamble when looking up gambling jokes on the internet, but when you come to StandUpBits finding funny gambling jokes is a lot easier. For more hilarious stand up comedy, and to increase your daily funny, please subscribe to StandUpBits!