Hilarious Short Drinking Jokes: Ron Kenney Jokes on Drinking Alcohol! - Stand Up Comedy

2014-12-15 13

Ron Kenney jokes about short people and drinking. Get your daily dose of great Stand Up Comedy @ StandUpBits - PLEASE SUBSCRIBE TO OUR CHANNEL!

This bit is filled with jokes on all spectrums, and what I love most about this bit is the wide range of jokes that Ron Kenney jokes about. Probably my favorite portion in this bit is the short drinking jokes. As much as I love short people, and drinking, when you combine them and get short drinking jokes, something beautiful happens. I also love Ron Kenney's ability to use the audience in this bit, it's difficult for the viewer to see what Ron sees, but we have to just take his word that the audience was reacting the way they were. Ron Kenney is great at telling jokes on drinking alcohol, and I really laughed at his 'experiences.' I put experiences in quotation marks because he even admits in this bit that he sometimes makes things up, so now I wonder if his jokes on drinking alcohol are made up as well. Who knows, but for more hilarious stand up comedy, and to increase your daily funny, please subscribe to StandUpBits!