Midgets: Shang Tells Jokes About Midget People! - Stand Up Comedy

2014-12-15 4

Shang jokes about midgets. Get your daily dose of great Stand Up Comedy @ StandUpBits - PLEASE SUBSCRIBE TO OUR CHANNEL!

So I definitely learned my lesson...whatever you do, do not take Shang's advice in this bit. Midgets are actually very feisty, and I had no idea. I was actually doing some research on midgets, and there is a difference between midgets and dwarfs...I did not know that. Dwarfs actually have disproportional body parts, while midgets have everything proportioned right. One of my friends is actually a midget, and he gets so pissed off when I call him a midget dwarf. I never knew why, until I did my research on midget people. Another cool nugget of information I learned was midget height is actually 58 inches and below. Technically, my little cousin could be a midget due to his midget height...he is either a midget, or a midget dwarf because his arms are weird sized. I was hanging out with my midget friend the other day, and he was hanging out with his midget friends, it was like a midget-palooza. For some reason, the midget people had a great idea that was extremely entertaining: midget wrestling. I don't know if you have ever witness midget wrestling, but it was soooo awesome. It's like regular wrestling but better because it was midget on midget action. I don't know if you've ever seen midget on midget action, but it is something I definitely recommend seeing. All midget jokes aside, midgets are people too, they just happened to be born vertically challenged. I know what it is like to be in their shoes, I wanted to play in the NBA for the longest time, and once high school came around...well I was a midget. Shang does give a good midget joke in this bit, and I definitely recommend watching more of his comedy. If you loved his midget joke, or love midget jokes in general, please subscribe to StandUpBits! And increase your daily funny.