Funny Gay Marriage Jokes by Jennie McNulty: Jokes About Gay Marriage! - Stand Up Comedy

2014-12-15 33

Jennie McNulty jokes about gay marriage. Get your daily dose of great Stand Up Comedy @ StandUpBits - PLEASE SUBSCRIBE TO OUR CHANNEL!

Jennie McNulty tells a gay marriage joke in this bit. This gay marriage joke has to deal with gay marriage being legalized for like five months. If you watch a lot of StandUpBits! You would realize there are many gay marriage jokes...if you want a variety of gay marriage jokes just search for more jokes about gay marriage. One thing I love are jokes gay marriage people tell about their gay marriage encounters. They always seem very interesting when they tell jokes gay marriage...I meant, jokes about their gay marriage. Jokes about gay marriage tend to be a little touchy of a subject, which is why when gay marriage jokes are told by people who have had a gay marriage, it seems a little easier to digest. Of course, there are many people against gay marriage, but I wonder if those people will laugh at funny gay marriage jokes regardless. Whatever the case is, Jennie McNulty told some funny gay marriage jokes in this bit. For more hilarious stand up comedy, please subscribe to StandUpBits! And increase your daily funny.